- Scientist / Researcher (all genders) in the field of Plasma Target Development Posting ID: 24.161-4232 Part-time 65 %GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
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- Mitarbeiter/-in Beschaffung (m/w/d)Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart
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- Bauingenieurin/Bauingenieur (m/w/d) IngenieurbauwerkeTechnische Betriebe Solingen (TBS)
- Mitarbeiter*in (m/w/d) Kultur und Betreuung für das Betreute Wohnen - ab 1. Februar oder spätestens 1. März 2025 -Sozialservice-Gesellschaft des BRK GmbH, SeniorenWohnen Kempten Hoefelmayrpark
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The Helmholtz Institute Jena (HI Jena) is a joint institution of the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena and the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research GmbH in Darmstadt. The institute is mainly focused on applied and fundamental research at the borderline of high-power lasers and particle accelerators.
For a doctoral position in the Laser Particle Acceleration group of the institute, we are looking for a
Scientist / Researcher (all genders) in the field of Plasma Target Development
Posting ID: 24.161-4232
Part-time 65 %
Relativistic plasmas are an extreme state of matter achievable with the 2018 Nobel Prize winning “CPA” laser technology. The light pressure in the focal spot of such a high-power laser system amounts to a few billion bars with associated extreme electric and magnetic fields. These relativistic plasmas are used to produce a new category of intense X-Ray, electron and ion beams. For example, electrons are typically accelerated to energies up to giga-electronvolts over an acceleration distance of just a few centimeters (rather than kilometers).
In our project we investigate the interaction of a relativistic laser pulse with semi-transparent plasmas with small spatial extent1,2,3,4. These small-scale low-density plasmas can only be obtained using sophisticated methods (a Paul Trap for macroscopically levitated targets) which represent the cutting edge of current technology3.
The successful candidate will continue to develop this worldwide unique target system and implement it in various experimental setups. The experiments with this target system are employed either at our own laser facilities (JETi 200, Polaris) or at lasers of our international cooperation partners with the aim of developing a new class of UV/X-Ray and particle beams.
- a completed university degree in physics,
- a high degree of passion and motivation,
- experimental experience, ideally in the field of high-power lasers or optics in general,
- programming skills,
- and who possess excellent communication skills in English and German.
Wir bieten
the opportunity to work with an international team of scientists on cutting edge research in a German national laboratory, with ideal conditions regarding equipment and support via technicians. The position is a fixed-term 3-year contract embedded in Germany's largest research foundation, with the salary and benefits based on the Collective Agreement for the German Public Service (TVöD-Bund) effective at GSI. The position will be established in Jena.
GSI promotes the professional development of women and expressly welcomes applications from women. Handicapped persons will be preferentially considered when equally qualified.